What’s new is never new: the trendiest mini bags that took over runways and red carpets in the last few years aren’t all that contemporary. In the later part of the 18th century, miser purses became an easy way to transport coinage on your person. It was held draped over the hand, each end able to carry silver coins and sliding rings to secure both openings (possibly inspired by a Medieval trend of carrying coins in socks). This style of bag continued through the early 20th century with finger purses, which literally dangled off your finger from a ring affixed to one or two chains and varied in shape with some more “purselike” and others more like a reticule. Another version of finger purses popped up with the prevalence of chatelaine — a modern take on an ancient decorative belt that acted as a place to hang small keychains with tools and such for the woman of the house. Truly a testament to humans having been obsessed with small things from the beginning.
Vintage Purse Art Deco Purse Beaded Bag Unique Vintage Gift on Etsy: This is one of the more modern takes on a finger purse, with a fully beaded exterior and a kiss lock.
Antique Silver Micro Beaded Purse Cherub Butterfly Ring Finger Chain Leather on eBay: Not only is the beading on this bag beautiful, the silver hinge features a cherub chasing butterflies in a garden.
Vintage 1920s Sequin Coin Purse With Internal Compact - Finger Chain on eBay: Once you get into the 20th century, you’ll see a lot more of this style of finger purse (sometimes without the purse part!), with a makeup compact attached.
Reduced! Authentic miser bag of Victorian era. Hand crocheted with steel beads. Great collector item! on Etsy: The miser purse is a really clever bag, albeit not very practical for live in the 21st century. Most miser bags featured asymmetrical designs to help differentiate what was inside each end.
Victorian finger ring beaded coin, evening purse, 1800's, oxidized repousse' motif metal closure on Etsy: This pouch-like purse has a beautiful beaded pattern and tassels, as well as an intricately engraved hinged top that pops open.
Vtg 40s Evening Bag Black Frame Purse Beaded Claw Clasp Purse Pouch Finger Ring on eBay: This is giving Alexander McQueen knuckle clutch but make it ‘40s. The kiss lock features stones in the shape of a claw and the body is made most likely from silk.
Antique Art Nouveau Silver Plated Finger Purse on eBay: I love a good all metal purse, and this one looks like it could’ve been made this year. The heart is so Y2K.
Antique Micro Beaded Coin/Sovereign/Dance Purse/Reticule With Silver Repousee Frame, Chain & Finger Ring - 1800's - Rare Find on Etsy: Most finger purses were simple, solid designs in beading or silk but this one features an incredible beaded floral pattern with a baby blue interior.
Stunning Georgian Miser's purse, crocheted, Stocking purse, Long purse, gilt metal beading and rings, excellent example, circa 1810-1820 on Etsy: This should be in a museum. It’s fully crocheted and embellished with beads in the shape of flowers and sliding gold rings.
Antique sterling silver chatelaine/finger purse, small chain mesh coin holder, chain mail chateline change purse on Etsy: Marked with a sterling stamp, this silver finger purse has a very cool accordion opening and the top is monogrammed with MM (or WW, I guess).
Honorable Mentions:
What terms were searched:
Miser purse
Finger purse
Dance purse
Welcome to Finder’s Keepers
This is the newsletter dedicated to leaving no vintage stone unturned. Each edition will cater to a rabbit hole that I fell down one night and include an assortment of vintage finds that make you question “Why did anyone own this?” followed quickly by “Should I own this?”
My method is simple: I attach a keyword or phrase to the item and go digging, spending hours each week combing through hundreds of pages of Etsy and Ebay bric-a-brac. It’s chaotic but satisfactory, like looking through every rack and bin at a thrift store for those that partake in the more visceral act of going in person. I like to sit on my couch.